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Megan dressed as a Yakshini with a snake

Normalizing the Paranormal

Supporting Highly Sensitive People in validating, grounding, and cultivating their extraordinary gifts and experiences.

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Erotic Mystics. Visionary Heretics. Badass Nerds.

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Megan at a river

Howdy, I'm Dr. Megan Rose

I'm a Transformational Psychologist, Eco-spiritual Priestess and Erotic Mystic. Basically, I'm a hothouse flower weirdo.

I'm on a mission to NORMALIZE THE PARANORMAL by helping the human species step into deeper relationship with all the other extraordinary beings of Earth -- physical and Otherworldly.

I love helping you, the Highly Sensitive Person:

  • Find deep and meaningful connection to Self and Source

  • Create powerful, lasting intimate relationships (especially with Otherworldly beings)

  • Fully express your freaky-deaky nature

  • Embody your Extraordinary Self!


(def) heretical: able to choose

The weird stuff, like...


Seducing a tree.

Getting up close & personal with some Spirits.

Channeling a Deity.

That kind of thing. 

You know, your average Tuesday.

I believe that the world needs more people who are not afraid of letting their freak flags fly.


So I'm reclaiming the words:



After all, they originally meant unique and supernatural (wyrd) ways of being.


Shout out to all my fellow witches, queers, and shapeshifters! 

Can you feel it?


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I also believe that what's sometimes called paranormal is just part of normal, albeit expanded, consciousness.

Here's the deal: Your weird matters!


But right now you feel left out, small, sometimes invisible. 

Like everyone else is living full-tilt into themselves, and you're on the sidelines, watching the parade pass by. 


You know that words like normal and typical don't apply to you, and you're fine with that. But you've also spent so much time feeling like an outcast, that you're just not sure how to engage with kindred Spirits when you encounter them. 


Maybe you suffer from social anxiety or awkwardness as a result.

The secret is...


Learning how to stand in your fabulous, freakish Self upheld by your EXTRAORDINARY gifts and talents and aided by your Otherwordly allies. Fearless. Focused. Fan-effing-tastic!


When your ECCENTRICITIES become your SUPERPOWERS, you feel aligned, on purpose, and are celebrated for your unique contribution and perspective.

I can help you fully embrace your peculiar, Otherwordly Self, so you can lay claim to the full mystery and glory of being a Supranormal Being. 

For that is what you are.


You are so far beyond normal, darling.

You are SUPRAnormal!

Let's get weird together!
Sign up for my newsletter and get access to my free class on Entheosis--awakening the Divine within

Winter Enchantment 2023

Winter Enchantment 2023

The Spirit Marriage School presents: Winter Enchantment: A Midwinter's Respite with Dr. Megan Rose A free gift to you! Once a year I open the doors for the friends of the Spirit Marriage School to come and partake in some holiday enchantment. This class is part of my Spirit Marriage Group Deepening Program, and we'd love it if you came and joined us. This year I offered my annual Winter Enchantment class a little later in the month, so that we can take all the magic of the holidays and settle it down into our selves, like planting seeds. This is the kalends, the time out of time between this year and the next, and some of the best days to work magic! It’s a time for slowing down, resting in the liminal, and reaching into the depths of Earth-wisdom—as well as our own depths—to reconnect, revitalize and rejuvenate ourselves for the year ahead. This was more of an experiential, practice-based class, not a lecture. So grab something cozy to drink and let’s drop into the soft-blue mist of the betwixt and between time together. Many bright holiday blessings to you, Dr. Megan Rose Sign up for the Spirit Marriage Self-study course here: Use Code: HALFOFF Watch the Winter Enchantment 2022 class here: RESOURCES • Solfeggio frequencies • Biofield tuning
Winter Enchantment 2022

Winter Enchantment 2022

The Spirit Marriage School presents: Winter Enchantement: The Spirits of the Season with Dr. Megan Rose A free gift to you! Once a year I open the doors for the friends of the Spirit Marriage School to come and partake in some holiday enchantment. This class is part of my Spirit Marriage Group Deepening Program, and we'd love it if you came and joined us. In it I discuss the magic of the holiday season, the various spirits we might encounter, and how we might work with them to deepen our experience of the holidays! Last year we discussed the Tomten/Nisse (a magical Christmas/Yule elf), so this year we explore a few more holiday beings and how to engage with them. So grab a cup of something warm and lets dive into the season of enchantment and endarkenment together. Many bright holiday blessings to you, Dr. Megan Rose Sign up for the Group Deepening Program here: ⁃ Watch the Winter Enchantment 2021 class here: RESOURCES • The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas: Roots and Rebirth of the Folkloric Devil by Al Ridenour • The Old Magic of Christmas: Yuletide Traditions for the Darkest Days of the Year by Linda Raedisch • Pagan Christmas: The Plants, Spirits, and Rituals at the Origins of Yuletide by Christian Rätsch & Claudia Müller-Ebeling • Santa Claus, Last of the Wild Men: The Origins and Evolution of Saint Nicholas, Spanning 50,000 Years by Phyllis Siefker • When Santa Was A Shaman: Ancient Origins of Santa Claus & the Christmas Tree by Tony van Renterghem • Santa was a mushroom eating shaman! Reality Sandwich, Dec. 20th, 2019 Reality Sandwich • The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus by Dana Larson, Cannabis Culture Magazine, Dec 18, 2003, • Winter Solstice Books for Pagans and Witches by Matt Auryn


"Megan Rose has stretched the reach of her incredible brain and birthed a doctoral voice of spiritual union and magical alchemy. This brings all of us forward. Now, she peers into the eye of the ever-becoming as more wisdom, more guidance, and more clarity comes forth for the next steps. We who love and celebrate her will walk with her all the way and celebrate every petal unfurling on the flower of her becoming as her Starwalker descends to change the world." 


Let's get weird together!

Sign up for my newsletter and get access to my free class on Entheosis--awakening the Divine within

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© 2021 by Megan Rose.  Proudly created with

Photo credits: Shimmering Wolf, Dennis Hearne, Julia O. Test, JJ Levine

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