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Megan Rose is a practitioner-scholar of eco-spirituality and divine embodiment practices. She holds a Ph.D. from the School of Consciousness and Transformation, East-West Psychology department at California Institute of Integral Studies, and a Masters degree in Ethics and Social Theory/Religion in Society from the Graduate Theological Union. She is co-founder and Executive Director of the Entheosis Institute, a non-profit organization.

"Reaching out—or perhaps reaching in—to the in-dwelling of a spirit empowers us to move beyond our previously held beliefs about reality and encourages us to look with new eyes at the horizon of possibility. The world around us becomes animated with many varied mysteries just waiting to be touched."


From Dr. Megan Rose's forthcoming book Spirit Marriage: Cultivating Bonded Relationships with Extraordinary Beings (coming to Inner Traditions/Bear and Co. Fall 2021)

Spirit Marriage

When God Had Sex: The Practice of Spirit Marriage in Ecstatic Spirituality

April 2013


Dr. Megan Rose's primary research interest has been Spirit Marriage----the Intimate Relationship Between Humans and Extraodinary Beings. In this talk at CIIS she discusses her preliminary research on this topic which laid the foundation for her Ph.D. dissertation.

Mary Magdalen

Mary Magdalen: Sacred Sexuality Regeneratrix

April 2020


Mary Magdalen has been a guiding influence on Dr. Megan Rose's research and practice for many years. In this interview for Journey to the Goddess TV she details Magdalen's influence on the rise of the 21st century priestesshoods, women's embodied spirituality and the contemporary Goddess movement.

Celtic Faery Faith

The Celtic Faery Faith: Meeting Our Extraordinary Ancestors

December 2019


Dr. Megan Rose explores the tradition of the Celtic Faery Faith through the lens of the practitioner-scholar. Blending both scholarly research and contemporary sources, she discusses historical accounts of the Faery faith, including its most noteworthy practitioners, contemporary Faery Faith lineages, and introductory Faery Seership™ practices.

Research Interests

  • Goddess Spirituality

  • Eco-spirituality

  • Celtic Spirituality

  • Paganism

  • Shamanism

  • Witchcraft, Religion and Magic

  • Eco-sexuality

  • Sacred sexuality

  • Hindu Shakta Tantra

  • East-West Psychology

  • Religion in Society

  • Hermeticism

  • Kabbalah

  • Western Esotericism

  • Mysticism

  • Mary Magdalene

  • Ethics and Social Theory

  • Environmental Sustainability

  • Conscious Evolution

  • Intentional Communities

  • Eco-Villages


January 2019

Healing Body Mind and Soul

Interview with Aeriol Asher

Awakening the Divine Within


April 2017

San Francisco Theosophical Society

Presentation with Ryan Indigo Warman, PhDc

Rewilding the Pagan Soul: Albion, EcoPsychology, and the Epigenetic Memory of Place


April 2013

California Institute of Integral Studies

Paper presented at the East-West Psychology Student Symposium

Mary Magdalen: Priestess of Sacred Sexuality, Divine Consort and Cosmic Womb-bearer


October 2012

California Institute of Integral Studies

Presentation in collaboration with Hank Obermeyer, Ryan Indigo Warman, and Jonathan Levine

Exploring Intentional Communities: ZEGG, Damanhur and Findhorn


Additonal Talks
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Photo credits: Shimmering Wolf, Dennis Hearne, Julia O. Test, JJ Levine

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